UPDATE: To request SBA funds, use this web page to submit your request. All other funding requests are through their normal channels. Allocation Hearings will occur on these dates.

Your missions, empowered. UF Law SBA is proud to allocate 33% of it’s annual operating budget to support Orgs @ UF Law and other student-driven initiatives.

Student organizations are eligible to receive funds from the Student Bar Association Allocations Committee. To receive funds, student organizations must exhaust all other funding sources first, complete an Organization Allocations Request (OAR), and attend an allocations hearing.

All OARs must be submitted by 6:00 pm on the preceding Tuesday of the Allocations Hearing at which your organization wishes to present. Please find a schedule of the Allocations Hearings below. Information on the funding process, how to access your other funding sources and what the SBA will fund can be found in the “UF Law Student Organization Funding Guide,” which must be reviewed before submitting an OAR.

Please contact the SBA Allocations Committee Chair if you have any questions or concerns.